Magic and spells were explained during the existence of life many times differently. Today we know that magicians do not exist. Or do they? Magicians used to be considered as beings with supernatural powers, we now know that they had no such capability. However, there are many unexplainable spells and tricks that can do only a small number of people around the world, sometimes even just one. Everyone is asking "how do they do it?" And they still did not get answers. Of course I do not have in mind some children's card tricks or how they float paper ... Have you ever seen any performance from Peter Sestak? He is Slovak magician, who is one of the best. He can also do the tricks that are unexplainable and interesting and overwhelming. Therefore he is most desirable Slovak magician at home and abroad. Regarding the various incantations, I think it is all about strength of mind and mind suggestion. If someone wants to believe in something and they think intensively, this may come true. If someone believes in something so much that is convinced of it, the role of mind suggestion is done. The truth is, that  these people are all over the world, whether it is a belief that there is something unconfirmed and unproven, or they are  convinced of themselves and of what they do, or perhaps even unhealthy belief that sees something there is not really there . Magician could well be a therapist.

And why do people actually believe in magic? We all need to believe in something, someone. It is some kind of support in our difficult times. Magic helps us to believe in something more, after which, we all desire.

Práve teraz je ten dovolenkový čas, skvelé počasie, skvelá atmosféra. V tropických teplotách sú všetci veselší a mnohí si užívajú príjemný čas nie len cez víkendy a počas dovoleniek ale aj po práci, s priateľmi a tak ďalej. Všetci vyhľadávajú kúpaliská a jazerá, kde sa dá aspoň na chvíľu osviežiť vodou. Ľudia hľadajú najväčšie Aqua Parky a kúpaliská s niekoľkými bazénmi pre dospelých aj pre deti.

Dovolenka môže byť rôzna. Niektorí uprednostňujú hory a lesy, niektorí si vyberajú zimné dovolenky a iní letné.  Letné prázdniny alebo voľno si tiež môžu spríjemniť spoznávaním kultúry mesta a pamiatok, alebo najčastejšie voľno a to pri akejkoľvek vode – pri jazere, na kúpaliskách a samozrejme  pri mori. S TUI Reisecenter si každý môže vybrať svoju vysnívanú dovolenku. Každý si môže dopriať  zaslúžené voľno, oddych a relax. Stačí si vybrať zo širokej ponuky rôznych svetových destinácií a cestovná kancelária TUI vám pomôže na základe vašich požiadaviek zvoliť si oddych, ktorý bude nie len úžasným osviežením tela a mysle, ale aj nezabudnuteľným zážitkom pre vás a vašich najbližších. Cestovná kancelária TUI ponúka okrem iného aj poradenské služby,  pomôže zabezpečiť cestovné poistenie a všetko potrebné pri cestovaní do zahraničia. Ak nie je čas plánovať si voľno vopred, stále je možnosť vybrať si z ponuky last minute dovoleniek, ktoré niekedy prekvapia a zároveň potešia aj dobrodružnejšie typy ľudí.

Dressing up a long time ago was far from simple. Today and in 21 century generally are almost no rules for everyday dressing. Of course, there are unwritten rules in exceptional circumstances, but generally the people today wear almost anything. It used to be mainly ladies much more complicated way of dressing, if only because they usually require the assistance of another person. It was almost impossible to dress herself. Long layered skirts, corsets, high collars and many small buttons, which sometimes were on the back of dresses and blouses, all this was an important part of every woman. Furthermore, the whole appearance was not allowed to miss a variety of accessories such as hats, umbrellas and knitted gloves. Perhaps the biggest relief for women was when they stopped wearing corsets. Until that time, corsets were served as luxury corset lingerie. Though ladies want the slim waist since time immemorial, it has caused many health problems. Regarding patterns and fabrics, most appeared substances with different patterns, stripes and tiny flowers, the colors were more pastel or neutral. The first bra dates from the early 19th century.

For men were dressing in the last century was a little easier as for the ladies, but nevertheless they had certain rules. Uncomfortable for every lord were tough shirts, and bow ties were duty or ties. A shirt had to be complete with a vest. Gentlemen wore tail-coats and jackets, which had to be sewn on solid and always tailor-made. Coloring was really limited. Suits were just sewn from black, gray, navy blue or brown. Shoes had to be polished to always painted. Even the masters were important accessories such as hat - cylinder and walking stick. Men's underwear was cotton and comfortable unlike women's corsets. Today's men's underwear is incomparably different. Various shops have to offer such underwear as men's thongs, which are increasingly popular. Differences in clothing over the last one hundred years particularly changed. Curiously I expect that to be trendy, fashion and style of dress developed further.

It is a summer festival or holiday season and who plans a weekend away from home or a longer holiday, everyone is looking for, naturally, accommodation or bed. The most important are the beds, even if someone is happy with just a tent and sleeping pad. Sleep is just as important outside the home as well as at home. Since it is the season, it is necessary to choose an accommodation in time; otherwise it may happen that all the hotels and guesthouses are busy or too expensive. Even if we are willing to spend on holidays more money than the normal working day, we are still looking for the cheapest solution. My favorite solution is the overnight camper or caravan. Caravan is actually a modest furnished small studio on wheels. There can be furniture such as dressers and beds and when there is bad weather or over night, you can enjoy the comfort of "home". Beds have duvets and you can sleep and dream your sweet dreams even on your vacation. Some may prefer adventure, which would be obtained from the sleeping in tent but I prefer enjoying modest comfort. The caravans also allow more people that can revive and enjoyable moments with friends.
I am also planning this summer, several three-or four-day trips and still dealing with accommodation. Time passed quickly and now I find that all cheap and good seats are sold out. It will be a challenge.

PictureAlcoholic beverages are good - in the right time!
We all know that drinking and sale of alcohol can sometimes be very dangerous. It is rather sad that in these days young age girls and boys drink more alcohol and less water or even milk. Milk is not only for children. Milk contains many substances necessary for every human body. Manner, such as proteins, calcium, iodine, potassium, magnesium, selenium, thiamine, and many others. Just one cup of milk a day will give a person the necessary ingredients. Drinking alcoholic beverages is not only unhealthy but also highly detrimental.

Even the children at a very young age start drinking alcoholic beverages. In their adulthood, it's been almost a matter of course. In some countries in the world is drinking alcohol in public is prohibited. Alcohol is the most common cause of death in our country and around the world. Alcohol and tobacco are the most earning products in the world. Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol. Ethanol is a liquid alcohol that a small amount of it can cause relaxation and euphoria. For larger quantities, alcohol can cause apathy, heaviness, weakness to poisoning. Many people have neglected it a bit, causing surroundings, television, advertising and so on. I am always very pleased when I see children who are playing outside and not at home with computer games, or when I see parents with children that they devote to them spending a lot of time and a lot of talking with them. It is very important to educate children from an early age to the original values ​​of life and also good nutrition. Although time is completely different, than what it used to be, I still believe that good education can prevent bottlenecks that arise as well as excessive drinking of alcohol at an early age.