PictureAlcoholic beverages are good - in the right time!
We all know that drinking and sale of alcohol can sometimes be very dangerous. It is rather sad that in these days young age girls and boys drink more alcohol and less water or even milk. Milk is not only for children. Milk contains many substances necessary for every human body. Manner, such as proteins, calcium, iodine, potassium, magnesium, selenium, thiamine, and many others. Just one cup of milk a day will give a person the necessary ingredients. Drinking alcoholic beverages is not only unhealthy but also highly detrimental.

Even the children at a very young age start drinking alcoholic beverages. In their adulthood, it's been almost a matter of course. In some countries in the world is drinking alcohol in public is prohibited. Alcohol is the most common cause of death in our country and around the world. Alcohol and tobacco are the most earning products in the world. Alcoholic beverages contain ethanol. Ethanol is a liquid alcohol that a small amount of it can cause relaxation and euphoria. For larger quantities, alcohol can cause apathy, heaviness, weakness to poisoning. Many people have neglected it a bit, causing surroundings, television, advertising and so on. I am always very pleased when I see children who are playing outside and not at home with computer games, or when I see parents with children that they devote to them spending a lot of time and a lot of talking with them. It is very important to educate children from an early age to the original values ​​of life and also good nutrition. Although time is completely different, than what it used to be, I still believe that good education can prevent bottlenecks that arise as well as excessive drinking of alcohol at an early age.

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